How it Works

Text message screenshot

Reach people where they are

Write your message, hit send, and reach all recipients in one shot through whatever contact info they’ve provided: either email or text. No hassle. No signups. No need to download something new.

Confirm communication

See who’s opening your emails, and who might be falling behind. If some members miss a message, send follow-up emails or texts to them, specifically, keeping everyone on the same page.

Engagement report screenshot
Poll in email screenshot

Collect feedback

Want to know your members' preferences or availability? Simply include a poll or form in your email. Responses, easily stored, can be used to filter future message recipients and create reports.

Centralize the conversation

Keep all emails, texts, and replies in one place — allowing for quick reference, easy oversight, and better continuity through membership and leadership changes.

Announcements list screenshot
Filter dialog screenshot

Manage what matters

Easily store and manage information about members' emergency contacts, certifications, t-shirt sizes, etc. Use this data to reach select recipients, or to personalize emails and texts.

Share events

Include in your messages event info that can easily sync with members' personal Google, iCal, or Outlook calendars. Share your calendar with members only or allow anyone with the URL to get involved.

An email reminder for an event
Event with signups screenshot

Streamline signups

Use simple signups in emails and on your calendar to organize who's bringing which snacks, etc. Manage assignments and send automatic reminders.

Capture contacts

Capture emails and numbers with a customizable online registration form, or turn on the Text-to-Join feature, so people can share their info with a simple text. Duplicates get sorted automatically.

Text-to-join message screenshot
Groups and sub-groups list screenshot

Unify your organization

Grant global oversight to those who need it, while empowering group leaders to communicate and organize their own groups.

Get started for free

Put up to 50 people in for free! You'll be able to start sending emails and texts immediately.

Create account